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  • Writer's pictureGemini Committee

Visit to Central Ballet

9 th March, 2022

Some 20 Gemini members and guests were lucky enough to join a small group of other

Livery Past Masters and Mistresses for a private visit to the Central Ballet in their brand new

premises in Southwark.

This was a wonderful opportunity to see 3rd year students at the final stage of their training.

For me the most interesting part of the evening was watching a lesson in which a couple

fine-tuned a piece intended for the year-end tour. It was fascinating to see how the teacher

would give a long list of improvements which the students would then remember and

incorporate into the performance, which looked so much better at the end of the session,

showing how a small change in the angle of an arm, for example, could have a big effect.

Following this we watched a number of solo and group pieces at the final stages of


Afterwards, we had the double pleasure of meeting our Gemini friends for a glass of wine

and lively conversation whilst meeting the dancers and staff of the school. We heard how

they had kept up with a practical course on Zoom (much pirouetting in small kitchens was

required) and how the pandemic had inevitably hampered their progress.

This was such an unusual and enjoyable evening; hats off to the Events Committee for

organising it!

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