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  • Writer's pictureGemini Committee

Venice Tour

A day in virtual bliss. 38 past consorts met online to take a live tour of the famous St. Mark’s Square in Venice.

Gemini’s first event organised by the creative Events Committee was a great success. For over an hour we followed our tour guide Luisella Romeo around learning facts, known and unknown, of the historic St Mark’s Square. Luisella and her family are Venetians and it was a pleasure to hear such a personal take on the square that so many of us have been to.

The tour lasted for just over an hour with Q&A's followed by members meeting in smaller groups in breakout rooms. It is always a joy to see familiar faces and catch up, albeit briefly. Until we can meet in person again this was the perfect get away from a rainy day in lockdown England.

Please keep an eye out for future events on our Events Page.

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