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  • Writer's pictureGemini Committee

Lunch at the Cavalry and Guards Club

The spectacular backdrop of the Cavalry and Guards club was enhanced by the crisp autumn sunshine, as if tailored by our events committee. The reception room got busy quickly and the bubbles flowed along with excited cheers of seeing familiar faces that were not on a zoom screen!

Our chair welcomed the ladies before we walked over to another handsomely decorated room for our sit down meal. The room filled up with conversations and laughter as old friends were able to sit together again and enjoy a delicious meal. The afternoon ended at around 3:30 but not before we could gather some ideas for our next event.

The Gemini events committee have yet again managed to organise a successful affair and we can't wait to see what they pull out next. Keep an eye out for emails or check the website to see where we go next and we look forward to welcoming you again.

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