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  • Writer's pictureGemini Committee

Gemini AGM 20th October 2022

Twenty-eight members, including the Committee, attended the AGM at Watermen’s Hall on

20 th October.

The meeting was a mixture of reports from the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary, followed by a lively discussion about whether the group remains separate and autonomous or

combines with Apollo, the Past Masters’ group. It was most helpful for the committee to

hear the thoughts and feelings of the members and helped to give focus to what the

committee needs to consider.

The vote was unanimously in favour of discussing the options with the Masters’ committee and come up with a plan for the best way forward. A subcommittee was formed of Fabian French, Julia Grundy, Marilyn Wedgwood-Johnson,

Martha Towler and Judy Kean.

The remaining business involved thanking Sara Cooke and Judy Kean, who were standing

down from, and electing Camilla Hooper to join the Gemini committee.

The meeting was closed just as the Masters arrived so we all re-located to the dining room

for champagne and then enjoyed a delicious two course dinner.

I am sure all members would like to thank the Events Committee for organising the

successful events we have held this year.

- Judy Cardnell

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