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  • Writer's pictureGemini Committee

AGM Minutes








There were 34 members present.

The Chairman, Laura Denholm, welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave special thanks to Life President, Lindy Estlin, and Life Vice-President, Peter Green, for attending. The Chairman then introduced the Officers and Committee Members and confirmed that there was, according to the Constitution, a quorum present to conduct the business of the meeting. Secretary Martha Towler had submitted her apologies.


The Chairman explained that the Constitution provides that all officers will put themselves forward for re-election at the first AGM and the term of office is for three years. The Committee members are elected for a term of three years and at each subsequent AGM, one third of the Committee and Officers will put themselves up for re-election.

a) The Treasurer, Fabian French, then presented the first resolution that Laura Denholm be re-elected as the Chairman of Gemini. There were no objections so the resolution was passed.

b) The Chairman then proposed that Fabian French we re-elected as Treasurer of Gemini. There were no objections and the resolution was passed.

c) The Chairman proposed that Martha Towler be re-elected Secretary of Gemini. There were no objections and the resolution was passed

The Committee will therefore be:

Chairman - Laura Denholm - Shipwrights

Treasurer - Fabian French - Builders Merchants

Secretary - Martha Towler - Weavers

Members - Judy Cardnell - Chartered Accountants

Jayne Brady Russell - Leathersellers

Julia Grundy - Framework Knitters

Mira Joshi - Fuellers

Judith Keane - Curriers

Sara Cooke - Plaisterers


The Chairman gave a brief report informing members that a bank account and website have now been set-up. The website is She thanked Mira for all her handwork on getting the website set up. She encouraged members to email her with photos, event reports or interesting notes that could go on the website. The Chairman concluded by thanking the Committee members for their support over the year.


The Treasurer, Fabian, confirmed that a community bank account had been set up with HSBC. The membership fee for 2020-21 would be £30 and members were encouraged to pay this as soon as possible. Bank details can be found on the website and Fabian will send round an email reminder over the next few days. The balance in the bank is £180 at present - fees from some of the Committee - and Mira is owed £170 for costs relating in setting up with website and this will be paid to her shortly. The Treasurer thanked Mira for this.


The Chairman informed members that there is an Events Sub-Committee comprising Susan Keane, Lesley Batchelor, Jo-Anna Gardiner, Adele Davis and Susie Salter.

The Chairman announced that the first physical event would, subject to any restrictions in place at the time, be a lunch to be held on Wednesday 12th May 2021 at a venue to be confirmed and asked members to “save the date”.

The questionnaire on possible future events is on the website and members were asked to complete it if they had not already done so in order to give the Committee some ideas of what members would like to do. The hope is for a virtual event or two between the AGM and the lunch next May.


a) Susan Keane raised a point about emails not always getting through and therefore some people not getting updates from the Committee and notices. The Chairman responded by saying that she had 89 email addresses for those interested in joining Gemini and hopefully after some initial gremlins in the system they are all correct and getting through to the intended recipient. It was suggested that members present email their personal contacts to check if they had received emails from Gemini and if not that person email Gemini to confirm email address - email:

b) Camilla Hooper asked about the website and Mira explained a bit about it. The Homepage will show latest news and event information and that the site is fairly easy to navigate around. Janice Tucker informed members that she had added the website as a short-cut to her devices for easy access.

c) Peter Green asked if the Committee had thought about a “Life Membership” of Gemini. This had worked well with the other Past Consorts group that he is associated with and that the running costs of this group were minimal so the funds should not run out. The “Life Membership” fee was set at x 10 of the annual membership fee. The Chairman agreed that the Committee would look at this at their next meeting

The Chairman then thanked everyone for attending the AGM and explained that they would now be taken to different “break out” rooms for informal chat and after 15 minutes rooms would be mixed up again.

The date of the next AGM is to be confirmed

The meeting closed at 6.30pm and the “break out” rooms opened.

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